Images on this page, excluding the logo, are free to use under CC0. Content on other pages may be subject to copyright!
Use Ctrl/Cmd F to search for certain key words such as taxa or tissues.
Volvox Download (6) ⮕
Technique: bright field transmitted light Stain: unknown, fixed Magnifications: 40x, 100x, 400x
Tags: algae, protists, aquatic, multicellular
Technique: bright field transmitted light Stain: unknown, fixed Magnifications: 40x, 100x, 400x
Tags: algae, protists, aquatic, multicellular
Paramecium Download (11) ⮕
Technique: bright field transmitted light Stain: unknown, fixed Magnifications: 40x, 100x, 400x
Tags: protists, aquatic, cilliates, unicellular
Technique: bright field transmitted light Stain: unknown, fixed Magnifications: 40x, 100x, 400x
Tags: protists, aquatic, cilliates, unicellular
Lichen Download (7) ⮕
Technique: bright field transmitted light Stain: unknown, fixed Magnifications: 40x, 100x, 400x
Tags: protists, fungi, symbiosis, cyanobacteria, terrestrial, multicellular
Technique: bright field transmitted light Stain: unknown, fixed Magnifications: 40x, 100x, 400x
Tags: protists, fungi, symbiosis, cyanobacteria, terrestrial, multicellular
Agaric - lamellae Download (5) ⮕
Technique: bright field transmitted light Stain: unknown, fixed Magnifications: 40x, 100x, 400x
Tags: fungi, multicellular, terrestrial
Technique: bright field transmitted light Stain: unknown, fixed Magnifications: 40x, 100x, 400x
Tags: fungi, multicellular, terrestrial
Unknown fungus - lamellae Download (5) ⮕
Technique: bright field transmitted light Stain: unknown, fixed Magnifications: 40x, 100x, 400x
Tags: fungi, multicellular, terrestrial
Technique: bright field transmitted light Stain: unknown, fixed Magnifications: 40x, 100x, 400x
Tags: fungi, multicellular, terrestrial
Baker's yeast (live) Download (7) ⮕
Technique: bright field transmitted light, dark field Stain: none Magnifications: 100x, 400x
Tags: unicellular, fungi, terrestrial
Technique: bright field transmitted light, dark field Stain: none Magnifications: 100x, 400x
Tags: unicellular, fungi, terrestrial
Nostoc commune Download (6) ⮕
Technique: bright field transmitted light Stain: unknown, fixed Magnifications: 40x, 100x, 400x
Tags: algae, aquatic, multicellular
Technique: bright field transmitted light Stain: unknown, fixed Magnifications: 40x, 100x, 400x
Tags: algae, aquatic, multicellular
Yeast (fixed) Download (4) ⮕
Technique: bright field transmitted light Stain: unknown, fixed Magnifications: 100x, 400x
Tags: fungi, unicellular
Technique: bright field transmitted light Stain: unknown, fixed Magnifications: 100x, 400x
Tags: fungi, unicellular
Spirogyra Download (5) ⮕
Technique: bright field transmitted light Stain: unknown, fixed Magnifications: 100x, 400x
Tags: algae, multicellular, aquatic
Technique: bright field transmitted light Stain: unknown, fixed Magnifications: 100x, 400x
Tags: algae, multicellular, aquatic
Clamydomonas Download (4) ⮕
Technique: bright field transmitted light Stain: unknown, fixed Magnifications: 100x, 400x
Tags: algae, aquatic
Technique: bright field transmitted light Stain: unknown, fixed Magnifications: 100x, 400x
Tags: algae, aquatic
Images on this page, excluding the logo, are free to use under CC0.
Content on other pages of this site may be subject to copyright! Content created by Aldermoth (E.Doveton) 2024. Contact: [email protected] |